WEG Optimal Match Warranty

WEG Optimal Match Warranty is a thirty-six (36) month warranty available when a WEG motor is applied with a WEG drive or soft starter.  Warranty terms extension is contingent upon successful submission of this form and acceptance / confirmation by the WEG Automation Warranty Department and is only available for equipment purchased and installed in the United States.

Drives and motors that qualify for this Optimal Match Warranty are W22 motors coupled with the following product ranges:

  • VFDs: CFW11 up to 600HP (720A), CFW500/501 (all ratings)
  • Soft starters:  SSW07 (all ratings), SSW900 (all ratings), SSW7000 when applied with Stock WEG Medium Voltage Motors.

Please contact the WEG Automation Service Department at automationtech@weg.net or via phone at (877) 934-3748 if you have any questions or need assistance.

Requestor Information

What is Your WEG Account ID:

Location of Application

Name of Site or Company

Order Information

Product Information



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